Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hilary's Birthday Dinner at Eataly

Hildawg turned 26 on February 1st! This is the first time I had been at Eataly's rooftop bar. I was pleased with the food and the ambiance.

Gina's Birthday Round 4- Dinner with the Family (a pre-Superbowl bingefest)

I am being replaced by the cat, once again.
We have a tradition on my mom's side of the family to celebrate each cousin's birthday together. Mine always falls around Easter, but since Gina is a winter baby, hers fell on Superbowl Sunday. So really, it was more of a late lunch. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. Here was what was on the menu until I can steal those pictures from mom: spicy sausage and chicken with red peppers, salad, green beans, raspberry cheesecake, and brownies.

Big Wing Wong for Asher and Luna's Birthday

Went for some Chinese to celebrate the 25th birthday of Lu and Asher back on January 29th.

Gina's Birthday Round 3- Il Bastardo Brunch

I also ate everyone's potatoes. Whoops.