Sunday, July 18, 2010

Independence Day

Fire department commencing the parade.

Grandma lounging.
My friend Hilary's (cute ginger in red shorts, pictured two photos below) adorable niece Piper made a precious appearance in the parade.
My family getting ready for another meal.
Here's the Kerrs and co. sporting their Casie shirts.
There's me and my cousins, Diana and Lauren, after the race. Just some proof that we actually ran it. These first 2 photos are courtesy of my sister.

Here's a serious backtrack for everyone. 4th of July was spent at the beach. We went to the annual Mantoloking parade, my cousins and grandmother came for a visit, and I actually managed to get my sneakers on and my lazy butt out at 8am to run the Casie Kerr and Chrissy D'Alessandro Memorial run.

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